Member Resources

CUBS is excited that we are now able to provide resources online for or our community and partner agencies. On this page, you will find links to various resources including a PDF versions of the resource directory and CUBS Consent Form.

2025 Calendar

Feel free to download and print this calendar so you can see all of the CUBS meetings scheduled for 2024.

We alternate between 3 types of meetings:

(1) Quarterly Cubs Meetings- Open to anyone in the community. Discussions take place regarding current events in needs in our community.

(2) CUBS Connect- This is a time for our CUBS members to connect with other agencies and nonprofits in our community who share similar missions or clients.

(3) Roundtable Workshops- These workshops are designed to help our members learn skills and tools that are vital to nonprofit health.


Show the world that you are a proud CUBS Member by displaying this member badge on your agency website and social media!
Download Badge
(Right-click and choose “Save link as…”)

Consent Form

The CUBS Consent Form is available to member agencies and organization to make it easier for you to share and request information from other agencies in our network in regard to providing assistance for an individual or family in our community.
Member agencies can either use the form as provided, or adapt it so it is part of your agency’s current release of information.

Resource Directory

Historically, CUBS has provided the print version of the resource directory directly to the community. You can download the most recent edition of the directory.
This directory is designed to be printed on 12″x18″ size paper. However, it will format correctly on 8.5″x11″ paper. (It will be very small print if scaled down.)


CUBS has created a new public Facebook Page so that we can better share resources directly with community members.

Facebook Page

CUBS also has a private Facebook group for member organizations to be able to share resources, announcements, and information with each other.

Private Facebook Group