Working together to better serve our community.
Our mission is to provide a collaborative environment for the nonprofits of Calloway County to work together to better serve the community.
If you represent an organization or agency that provides services and support to residents of Calloway County, you can join CUBS today. There is no membership fee, simply a collaborative network of like-minded people working together for a great cause!
If you’d like to join CUBS, just attend our next quarterly meeting. (Calendar available on the Member Resources page.)
Sign up to receive CUBS emails to stay up-to-date with what is happening in our community. You will receive invitations to workshops, networking events, and our quarterly meeting. As well as, information about funding opportunities for nonprofits in Calloway County.
Looking for our online directory? While CUBS still prints a community directory, we recognize that there are other resources in our community with much more comprehensive digital directories.
The Calloway County Public Library has a resource kiosk available on-site, powered by MyKY.info. This directory is also available online.
United Way of the Bluegrass operates 211, a fully indexed online directory of resources. 211 is also available by phone with 24/7 operators- simply dial 211.
We have links available to both of these resources in our menu above.
“Anything is possible when when you don’t care who gets the credit, as long as God gets the glory.”
This thought is often repeated by Donna Herndon, founder of CUBS. This idea is what drives the collaborative effort of CUBS as its members work together to serve the community of Calloway County.